Saturday, February 20, 2010

The New American Lunch Box

A minute to reflect ... I remember when baby? Now try to evoke childhood memories special - the wonderful lunch box! They were fresh, fun, and is confident of this brand new piece of sports equipment. This field, and often thought about what and with who you are full. E 'was your first introduction into independent companies. Finally, his lunch box, which was finally a big boy!

Boys often executed or Western Area lunchbox theme, the girls werewith Barbie, and children with a variety of Disney characters. I just know that I am stuck wearing the plaid design, and the girl on the street, Cheryl Shelmadine, Lassie the Wonder Dog had a packed lunch. I did. What were my parents thinking here? Regardless of the type have shown, lunch boxes, and to express a large part of American cultural history.

Fortunately for our children, we live in a dynamic environment. We are able to access the wonderfulTraditions of many cultures. Once absorbed with our fresh local food, and with a rotation of presentation ... Damn! The new American lunch box - the box Bento.

Bento Boxes appeared in Japan about 900 years ago with the creation of Hoshi-II. Hoshi-ii means "dried meal" - is the rice is cooked and then dried. Bento Boxes were once a simple container container individually wrapped servings of rice, meat or fish, and pickled or cooked vegetables. Through the centuries, haveoak advanced or wrapped in bamboo leaf portions in wooden boxes painted, polished aluminum and plastic modern.

There are competitions held, where people win the competition for prizes and prestige for the design of Bento Boxes processed. This type of bento artist means kyaraben. Assign aesthetically food, people, flowers, plants or animals are similar. Some are so beautiful, but also eat well ... or almost!

Course, Bento Boxes are still availableToday, in many places throughout Japan, but now Bento Boxes to storm America! Bento Boxes are quickly becoming the traditional Japanese lunch box would otherwise excavator brown paper. A visit to the school canteen today might think some parents, who have stepped into a new culture when they see these new lunch box cool. Is not all about appearances, but - Bento Boxes are full of fun, enjoyable, so that the pallet, food, make a break from always,Packing a lunch time and cost effective.

Lunch boxes is still the best personal style and expression. Neither the execution is often in the interest of fashion. Whatever your taste, lunch boxes continue to be a reflection of American culture. The Bento Box is simply a plastic container homes of various other printed containers for your food substances. Sometimes they are stacked, square, round, flat, or whatever you want. There are designers Bento Boxes are available withPopular cartoon characters and designs fun - hopefully not plaid. You can also accessories for bento with cutlery and bottles of fun miniature corresponds to the size of a thumb for salad dressings, soy sauce or other flavors of your choice.

I recently purchased a Bento "portable" for my daughter, Danielle. E 'entered a cooling thermal event that resembles a laptop computer - and, of course, was almost the same price. Bento is not a characteristic of a "Middle Schooler" - too strident.Once opened, the case shows room for all types of cakes. Each room has its own initiatives and fit together like a puzzle. Absolutely loves it!

Packing A Bento

Get it does not matter how old my children, helps to package still love to their meals with food fun. If we go looking for fun Bento box are often the Japanese dollar store in downtown San Mateo. They have a wide choice of child friendly lunch packing of goods. One of my favorites are the mold food. Withabsolutely important artistic abilities kitchen you can make simple food animals, cars, trucks, trains, plants, people or shapes. Try with rice and vegetables for an Asian style, tuna or chicken salad, egg, or even must-have "balls with them!

Just as the Japanese use of container - the use of merger, if the pack is. California nouvelle cuisine is a blend of cultures, with fresh ingredients from the region to present new and fun on a classic dish. These smallTreasury coffers are to deliver the remains to a new and fresh that your children will be happy to see the dinner last night once again too big. Remember, be creative and artistic, who works for a packaging Bento and your child. Cookie cutters to create a unique form of "tea sandwiches" food for the presentation layer and have small containers of their favorite dives. The best looking and most are about to enter the more likely they are to eat!

Use this fun Packed Lunches and some backupCultural their feelings inside. Here are some ideas you know where to go. Enjoy the inclusion of a variety of foods your child is much less likely to succumb to when they hear "I'll trade!" in the cafeteria.

Cut Mac n 'Cheese - left over macaroni and cheese, fresh tomatoes, steamed vegetables and fresh fruit, finger (grapes, berries, cherries, melon cubes, sliced kiwi, etc.). I'm sure to devour the favorite child friendly . All this is found in separate containers orFun pressed into molds.

Snack Attack - Finger cube of fruit and vegetables, cheeses, meats, cubes of turkey or ham, and multi-grain crackers to make a delicious combination of flavors and nutrition. Do not forget, crackers and add your favorite vinaigrette in a small format fun Bento squeeze bottle.

Dinner for lunch - the preferred form of meat balls, rice, fresh vegetables, sliced meats and low-fat yogurt to dip. This bento is good even with the remains of spaghetti!

Pot RoastPersonalize - Cube left braised, roasted roots, fresh fruit, finger, and salad garden. Served cold with a piece of pita bread, butter, whole grain.

Super salads - Molded tuna, chicken, fish or salad, crackers, fruits and vegetables, cheeses and sweets for children. Do not forget to add sliced red peppers. Are really sweet to eat - especially with cream cheese dip in

Now, with Bento some experience under my belt, I can honestly say thatThis container only smart kids - but also love. They are also ideal for picnics, lunch, travel, or whenever you are away from home. They have a sense! Another important thing ... Bento Boxes require some cleaning after the field back home. This is another great opportunity when the children involved and teach some of the responsibility for children because they help to wash the lunch box and get it ready for the next day.

Looking for something more creative suggestions Lunchor ways to fuel your child's passion for cooking? Check out the fun-filled classes and summer camps at Kids Culinary Adventures. We can also teach them the importance of clean!

Chef Gigi!

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